Wired Gallery
Showcasing Mid-Hudson Valley artists since 2012
11 Mohonk Road, High Falls, NY
Winter Schedule: Open by appointment only until Spring 2025
Phone/Text: (682) 564-5613, Email: thewiredgallery@gmail.com
At Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls (map)
Steve Gentile, Hudson River from Overlook Mountain
Pictures from the Opening Reception (Sat., Oct. 22)
Reception Sponsor: Stone Ridge Wine and Spirits
Getting Closer: An Intimate Landscape
Curated by Steve Gentile
October 22 - November 20, 2016
An all photography exhibit featuring nine hand-picked Hudson Valley based photo artists who explore landscape via the highways and by-ways of the region in a unique and exciting variety of styles, visions, and presentations.
The show is the gallery's first all photography exhibit.
Participating artists: Ana Bergen, Michael Bogdanffy-Kriegh, Liz Cooke, Deena Feinberg, Steve Gentile, Jeanne Hildenbrand, Tom Luciano, Kelly Merchant, and Andy Milford.
At Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls (map)
September 24 - October 16, 2016
Kathi Robinson Frank's paintings are abstract images that overlap one another so that the layers of previous marks are present along with the later marks. She refers to this body of work as "Pentimento," the meaning of which “is an alteration in a painting evidenced by traces of previous work, showing that the artist has changed her mind as to the composition during the process of painting.”
Her work is an exploration of the relationship between connection and separation. Her layering unblocks thoughts and opens up questions.
Pentimento, Mixed media on canvas, 56x72 in.
At Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls (map)

Robert Hite
Robert Hite: A Distant Embrace
August 20 - September 18, 2016
See pictures on Facebook from the August 20 opening reception
A handful of artists from Ulster County have ever won the prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship Award, and Robert Hite is one of them. He got it in 2014.
A handful of artists have ever shown solo at Wired Gallery, and Robert Hite is also one of them! And that was even before his Guggenheim win, in 2013.
So, three years later, it is grand time to extend the gallery again to this great artist to see what he's been up to lately.
Jake's Room!
Hite has built a site-specific installation that will occupy almost half the gallery's exhibit space: A life-sized imaginary bedroom, complete with walls, furniture, and a narrative recording, all consistent with the artist’s life-long exploration of shacks and dwellings. But this time, we'll get to see it from the inside!
And many paintings, 3D works, and photopraphs are also on display.
Read the Almanac cover story
by Fiona Steacy on August 18, 2016
Usually standing between six and ten feet tall, Robert Hite’s twisting towers have the wavering, unsteady quality of buildings reflected in a pond. In his photos of...
Cover of Almanac Weekly
At Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls (map)
Summer Medley
A group exhibit featuring mostly landscape work by the following area artists:
Jane Bloodgood-Abrams, Ray Curran, Mary Anne Erickson, Lynne Friedman, Tarryl Gabel, Robert Kressler, Andrea McFarland, Tom Sarrantonio, Tim Smith, Andrey Tamarchenko
Dedication Wall: Warren Hurley (1943 - 2016)
July 16 - August 14, 2016
At Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls (map)
Portrait Gallery
The art of portraiture in the selfie era
Marshall Borris, Bruce Bundock, Sydney Cash, John Currie, Claire Lambe, Nestor Madalengoitia, Kelly Merchant,
Norman Sasowsky, Chris Seubert
May 21 – July 10, 2016
For more details, view Facebook Event Page.
John Currie's photo portraits from the opening reception are here.
Read article in the Poughkeepsie Journal.
Sydney Cash, 'Marlon'
At Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls (map)

at Wired Gallery

at Wired Gallery
Shirt Factory Artists
A group show celebrating select artists working and living in the Shirt Factory, Kingston's pioneering artist hub.
April 9 – May 15, 2016
For more details, view Facebook Event Page.
FEATURED ARTISTS: Leslie Bender (painting), Stephen Blauweiss (video), Amy Cote (painting), Ray Curran (painting), Norman Darvie (sculpture), Joan Ellis (painting), Kathy Erteman (ceramics), Chad Gallion (painting), Ann Haaland (painting), Lynn Herring (painting), Robert Hessler (ceramics), Jennifer Hicks (painting), Nina Isabelle (painting), Robert Kressler (painting), Henry Lautz (sculpture), Carol Lloyd-McCarthy (painting), Deneane Niebergall (painting), Mike Piazza (painting), Suzanne Rees (painting), Mau Schoettle (clothing), Frank Young (painting)
Panel Discussion
Proposed Kingston Arts District
Sunday, May 1, 4-6 PM at Wired Gallery
The goal of the Arts District is to further the revitalization, economic investment, and community enrichment of Midtown Kingston.
The participating panelists are:
Micah Blumenthal – The Lace Mill, Resident
Ray Curran – Art District Steering Committee, Chair
Linda Marston-Reid – Arts Mid-Hudson, Executive Director
Mike Piazza – The Shirt Factory, Owner
Brenna L. Robinson – City of Kingston,Office of Economic & Community Development, Director
Refreshments and light snacks.
For more details, view Facebook Event Page.
At Wired Gallery, 11 Mohonk Road, High Falls (map)

Collectors Curate
Local Art Collectors curate a group show at Wired Gallery
November 28, 2015 – February 7, 2016
THERESA LANDI DANIEL presents works by
Marieken Cochius, Maxine Davidowitz, Judy Sigunick, and Anna West
Barbara Esmark, Jennifer Hicks, Jan Muller, and Melissa Stern
Bruce Bundock, Joan Lesikin, Pablo Shine, and Jim Smith
CHRISTY and JAMIE MCDOUGALL present works by
Robert Hite, Polly Law, and Tim Rowan
For more details, view Facebook Event Page.